
… so I watch this sad video, it’s real by the way, where a couple of men had been apprehended by law enforcement officers. The two guys were paraded to answer questions, normal and decent looking guys, nothing was untoward about there appearances. These guys were kidnappers, they kidnap children to sell to a middle person, who in turn sell to couples without children. Somewhere in this horror story there is a sick attempt to sneek in a convoluted, virtous, moral, do good deed of helping the people without children, how sick can a person become? What about the child that is kidnapped? Any thought for that child? What about the family of the child? Their pain? Does it matter? Do they give a monkey about those without children or just trying to cash in on their misery, exploiting their misfortune whilst pretending ( I guess there is no pretence) to give a toot.

Now there were targeting children around the age of two!😢. Someone asked, ‘how do you get the children to follow you?’ One of the kidnapper answered without any hesitation or qualm, ‘I give them BISCUIT!’ A child loves biscuit, enjoys it, his or her loved one gives biscuit, grandma gives biscuits, people that loves him give biscuits, so therefore anyone that gives biscuit must be a good person. But as we can see, evil people give biscuit as well. It’s a bait to lure into the lion’s den.

At some level, each and every one of us, irrespective of our age, is that child that loves and enjoys biscuit and believes that biscuit can only come from good people that love us. But the evil one has no love in him or her, simply out to get us, period! Biscuit is biscuit, the biscuit itself is not poisoned, it is the giver that is poisoned, it is the motive that is corrupted. It is not a gift of love but of manipulation. The giver has no regard whatsoever for the recipient, it’s just a means to an ugly end.

How many times have we opened our hands to receive from our abuser? How many times have we opened our mouth to be fed by our killer? We still need to be fed, we still need biscuit. Biscuit is the token of love we share with those we love and love us back. But what do we do when the emblem of communion has been hijacked by the sacrilegious? Do we stop believing in and having communion? Do we stop believing in love because a romantic scammer took our heart and drag it in the mud whilst plotting to violate and defraud us? The question is, do we stop loving and eating biscuit to stop the kidnappers from getting to us?

Beware of the stranger, beware of the untried, untested, unknown hand that seeks to fed us. Yes heaven atimes send angels and ravens to feed us but so does self – centred men send themselves. If it is too good to be true then it is most probably too good to be true. Discretion and discernment are to be our watchword. If I don’t know you then I don’t know you, maybe the biscuit can wait because evil men exist, unsavoury women abound. The unsuspecting heart struggles with this, but there is no merit in naivety. Let us eat our biscuit, but with discernment, let’s protect our children, the stranger is unknown, we don’t take from the unproven. May the good Lord protect us all!

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