Born Buried

I came into this world buried deep under layers and layers of thrash, rubbish beliefs, archaic and quaint cultural values, burdensome expectations, warped understanding, misinformation, nonsensical religious beliefs, unimaginable family expectations, untenable gender roles, racial biases and the likes. Added to this hormonal imbalance and inferior hereditary genes. Weighed down I throttle around wondering what was wrong with me. Everything was wrong, every thing was! Clueless and unaware I lived in survival mode, oblivious to the shackle around my legs, the noose on my neck and the burden on my back. I tried to stand strong and erect but it was impossible. Crooked and misaligned I muddled through life with no insight into my light and my purpose. All my lights were switched off and I lived in darkness when I am light. Flattened to the ground I was with all my burden, unable to see beyond my nose, incomprehensible was the prison I was born into.

I saw a tiny glimpse of light and commence the arduous task of unburdening myself, freeing myself as no one is coming to free me. The task of freedom lies with me and me alone. Yes some might offer a tool here and there but the task of chiselling off the dross is mine to carry out. How much work I have to carry out and how little time I have left to do that which needs to be done. How ingrained and stuck are the oppressive beliefs that have stuck to my core like sesame twins. With diligence and focus my steady hand went to work, my mind stayed the course, the ink in my pen did not dry up, the oil in my lamp did not run out. Each new day brought new relief and awareness. Each new day the burden was lessen, the soul became freer and the light began to emerge. As I found my balance and strength I was able to offer a helping hand and support to others that are born buried.

I can breathe!

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